Rose is very relaxed, almost too much at times!
Jean is super-sensitive, likes everything planned and doesn't like surprises.
Fleur has boundless energy and enthusiasm for everything life offers her.
Boo is a determined, feisty, independant child who likes her own company and everything her own way ... all the time!
My first pregnancy was very relaxed - I thought I knew a lot about babies as I'd helped my mum bring up my brother and sister who are 11 and 10 years younger than me. I got a massive surprise when Rose was born and realised I actually didn't know very much at all! The birth was amazing and easy considering it was my first and she came out very peaceful with her eyes open.
Jean's pregnancy was very fraught as I worried about losing her as I'd miscarried after Rose. She entered the world loud and red faced.
Fleurs birth was super speedy - all done in less than an hour. But she came out blue and I'm sure I didn't breath until they suctioned her and got her breathing again. I was so busy looking after the other 2 and running a business that the pregnancy whizzed by at such a speed.
As you're aware, number 4 was a completely different as I didn't know I was pregnant until 18 weeks! I spent the following 22 weeks in a sort of state of disbelief really. I became quite isolated from people, as their reaction to the pregnancy was strange and I had to hold all of my emotions and anxieties inside as I didn't want my true feelings to impact on the other girls. I basically just knuckled down and got on with it, on my own most of the time. It's interesting that Boo, although she likes being with other people, is so independant that being on her own is good for her. It has to be done her way or else. I guess that's like the pregnancy.
The birth was interesting. I had the same consultant as I had for the other 3 so when it came close to time, I asked for an elective inducement. I was so worried that I would be at home with the girls and have such a speedy delivery that they would end up acting as mini midwives. My husband was working in Brighton which is 3 hours from home. Fortunately the consultant agreed and I was taken in and my waters were broken at about midnight. She was born at 9.10am the following morning. My longest labour. Which was good for the paramedics and nurses that were training as they all took turns in witnessing my labour and her birth. My payback to the NHS!
Our lives now are a little mad really - not much time for anything - certainly no time for me or my husband. Although I'm not complaining. I always wanted a big family and I'm blessed to have 4 healthy gorgeous children. I count my lucky stars every day. The girls are now 14, 12, 10 and 5 and life revolves around making sure they are in the right place at the right time will all the right equipment. I wouldn't have it any other way. My baby turned 5 yesterday. I honestly still cannot believe how lucky I am to have her.
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